Quantum Algorithms
Organizers: David Gross, Tanmay Singal, Vahideh Eshaghian, Michael Walter (RUB). Time: Tuesdays 4pm. Venue: Seminar room 0.02, Theoretical Physics Building.
- The seminar schedule is now added to the Google Doc.
- We encourage you to arrange at least one meeting with your point of contact to discuss the topic, review your slides and discuss any issues that may have arisen in the preparation of your talk.
- The next meeting of the seminar will be on April 25.
Course description
In this student seminar, jointly offered with Ruhr-Uni Bochum, we will look into quantum algorithms. Ideally, student talks will be held jointly between physics and c.s. students.
Online participation will be possible.
Zoom link: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/61943076322?pwd=ZndhbHdWeXFGVnBmU2tSd2YrSUVnZz09
Passcode: 966977
More information on the RUB pages.